Monday, 7 November 2022, 1 – 4 pm

Indonesian Embassy, London SW1P 2BU

Indonesia is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, producing more than 717 thousand metric tonnes of coffee annually. It is home to various unique tastes and aromas. Discover Indonesian specialty coffee at the Indonesian Coffee Day 2022.

This annual business-to-business event will feature premium Indonesian specialty coffee. UK café owners and coffee roasters in the UK are invited to a coffee tasting to introduce the complexity of the flavours of coffee varieties from various Indonesian regions. Indonesian Coffee Day highlights the role of smallholder farmers in Indonesia.


Coffee Tasting

Tasting of Indonesian specialty coffee by Sucafina and 5758 Coffee Lab – Indonesia. Featuring coffee varieties including Kerinci Tujuh Gunung Sumatera, Sumatera Gayo Organic.

Talk Show

Talk show on Indonesian specialty coffee by British Coffee Association and 5758 Coffee Lab – Indonesia.

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